Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy one-month birthday, Will!

I can't believe Will is already one month old. He's starting to develop quite the personality and is learning how to communicate via various grunts, screeches and the loudest cry I've ever heard ... seriously ... this boy can wail. He's having a bit more wake time during the day and will sit contently in his bouncer chair, checking out the world around him. Don't get little man overtired/overstimulated, though. That very, very, very loud cry will make its appearance with little to no warning.

Will's doing great at night. Luckily for us, he never had any issues with day/night reversal. Initially, he struggles a bit to go down at night, but once he finally realizes it's night time, he's ready to snooze. He'll get up once to eat in the middle of the night and then early, early morning, but then he goes right back down. Naps, however, are another story. We're working on getting him to nap in his crib, but he often prefers to take a snooze in his swing or my arms. Apparently, he thinks the crib is only for nighttime.

Ella enjoys her big sister duties and loves to "read" stories to Baby Will as she calls him. She also will show him all of her toys and his toys. And she can't get enough hugs and kisses from Will. She tries to sneak hugs when he's in his swing, which just doesn't work out very well.

Just like his big sister, we (and the doctor) suspect Will has acid reflux. We started him on medicine on Friday, so hopefully that starts to kick in. Even with tummy issues, Will weighed around 10.5 pounds. We have a big boy on our hands!

Look how big this boy looks!

Our family of four on Father's Day

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