Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas at the Marsili house

Christmas was a success in the Land of Lincoln, except for Ella's slight moodiness on Christmas day. She partied it up with her friend Kennedy on Christmas Eve and missed her bedtime by about three hours ... oops!

We had a busy vacation that involved eating at Arthur's Garden Deli two days in a row. Yummy! We visited Aunt Lori's classroom and had lunch together. We also saw my good friends from high school, chilled on Christmas Eve with Uncle Brian and then had a Christmas day shindig with the entire family.

Ella loves all of her gifts but failed to open them as well as she did on her birthday. Hopefully she'll do better at the Jorgensen/Johnson family Christmas. She also now has a love affair with cookies. The girl was not much of a fan until she tried Grandma Judy's sugar cookies. Now she's hooked, like the rest of us. Welcome to the club, Ella.

And so it begins ... Ella's love of cookies.

Opening a present from Santa.

And what did Santa leave in here?

The Jorgensens all snazzy after Christmas mass.

Ella dressed Mrs. Potato Head all by herself.

Notice where she's putting the baby - on the potty. Hopefully that's a hint she wants to start potty training.

Eating more cookies.

Pushing her tiny dollhouse baby in her new wagon.

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