Saturday, January 5, 2013

The holidays

As always, the holidays were bustling for the Jorgensens. We spent Thanksgiving in Illinois and ate an obscene amount of food. I was able to see two of my friends from high school, so that's always an added bonus. We then kept busy before Christmas with birthday parties, including Ella's, Christmas programs, Santa visits and shopping. We ventured back to Illinois to celebrate Christmas with my family. We were there over Ella's third birthday, so we had another party for the little princess.

We were in Kansas City for actual Christmas, which doesn't happen too often for us ... so that was a nice change. We spend Christmas Eve and Christmas day with Brian's sister (and the rest of the Johnson family) and his parents. The girls received all kinds of good loot from Santa. Ella is definitely into presents this year, so it was entertaining watching her unwrap everything.

Our late Christmas gift came the day after Christmas when Brian and I found out we were having a boy at our 20-week ultrasound (we were both seriously surprised). Everything looks great structurally with the little man, so we couldn't be happier. 

All dressed up for Thanksgiving dinner.
So happy to be with Grandma Marsili.
Helping us decorate the tree.
Not so sure about Santa.
Ella was most interested in the duck mascot.
This was the least crazy face we could get from her before her school Christmas program.

Learning how to play with lacing cards with cousin Nici.

Birthday girl!
The Jorgensen family on Christmas Eve.

Checking out baby Kiernan.
Lots of presents from Santa!