Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ella's new school

Ella started at her new school this week. She had to miss her first day because she was sick, but she got to meet her new friends on Tuesday. Her teachers said she's doing great; however, she's been pretty quiet. I'm sure she'll show her true colors soon. We ended her first week of school with a busy weekend. We got to watch Kendall during her dance recital. Ella loved it and was dancing in the aisle. I definitely witnessed a few leg kicks.

A little lip gloss before her first day of school.

Cardinals vs. Royals day at school ... oh wait, we had the wrong week :)  
Kendall the ballerina

What a face

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It's been awhile

Welcome to our new blog! It's been months since I last posted, but I'm confident a new, easier to update blog will motivate me to write more frequently. A lot has happened this spring. We sold our house and will move into our new home in Liberty, Mo. the end of July. Ella's also starting at a new daycare tomorrow that we could walk to from our new house. She'll miss her friends and teachers at her old school, but I'm sure she'll make lots of new baby friends soon.

Ella's vocabulary is growing each day. She's added new words such as Melmo "Elmo," papa, grandma (kind of), night-night and eat, to name a few. She also is a pro at naming body parts and says a few of them like eyes and knees. Her latest thing is animal sounds. I pointed out a cow in one of her books and she started mooing. What a genius!

We've had all kinds of outside time this spring. Ella loves to play outside so much she throws a full-blown tantrum almost every time we go inside. I hope this phase passes quickly! Below are a few more outside pics of E.
Crawling through the tunnel at Penguin Park

Watering the rocks

Doing a little yard work
